Buying your lunch every day probably isn't the best choice, both for health and financial reasons. If you want to save a few bucks and give yourself something healthy to nosh on at work or school, packing your own lunch is the way to go. This handy salad bowl set is ideal for creating tasty and healthy meals on the go. The 3 large inner compartments keep ingredients separated, and there's even a separate bowl for dressing, to prevent soggy salads. The lid holds a fork and a knife, so you'll always have utensils on hand when you're ready to eat. Snap up this set today, and make packing a lunch easy and convenient!.
Measures 8" x 6" x 3"
Includes fork, knife, bowl with 3 large compartments, dressing bowl, cover, and lid
Perfect for creating fresh, healthy, portable meals
Material: plastic BPA free